Be sure to check out our newest publication, the
2025 Moving Forward Together calendar. This project commemorates the TRC National Events and celebrates some of the most Recent Firsts of the First Peoples. It also includes the latest information about reconciliation in Canada. We encourage everyone who wants to learn about what is currently being done to address the history of injustice against Indigenous Peoples to use this calendar as a stepping stone in their search for knowledge.
Purchasing the set saves you $39.30.
This set contains all 14 posters:
- Be Mindful of Your Words
- Belonging, Mentorship and Ceremony
- Children, our little Elders
- Death and the Spirit World
- Kinship and Kinship Terms in Nehiyawewin
- Healing Medicines from Kikawinaw Askiy
- Puberty Rites: Moontime Teachings
- Natural Law and Pipe Laws
- Prayer is a Way of Life
- Regalia and Cultural Protocols
- Seasonal Customs and Ceremonies
- Traditional Values of the Ôhkomimâwak
- Storytelling and the Importance of Language
- Prophecies: the Seven Days Eclipse